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Personal Data Protection

Company Designostav s.r.o., ID: 07607920, with its registered office at Francouzská 6167/5, 708 00 Ostrava, registered in the Commercial Register kept by the Regional Court in Ostrava, File No. C 76456/KSOS (hereinafter referred to as the controller), will process your personal data under the conditions set out below. Personal data will be processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation - Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 - hereinafter referred to as the GDPR.

Scope of Processing

The controller will process your personal data to the extent voluntarily provided by you when filling out a form, by phone, email, or in person. The controller will mainly process: name, surname, phone number, email address, organization name, IP address.

Purpose of Processing

Processing orders for goods or services, ordered either through our website, by phone, or through our sales representative. The legal basis for processing personal data here is the necessity for the performance of a purchase agreement and, for selected documents, the fulfillment of legal obligations (e.g., accounting documents).

Handling of potential complaints.

Dealing with claims.

Communication: We use the gathered data for communication purposes with you. This includes informing you about the status of your order or complaint, timely notification of changes in the assortment (e.g., discontinuation of goods you ordered and their relevant replacement), or changes in their prices, etc.

Processing Duration

The controller will process your personal data for a period of 10 years unless this consent to the processing of personal data is revoked by you. However, this does not affect the processing of your personal data to the extent necessary to fulfill obligations arising from generally binding legal regulations.

Withdrawal of Consent

You may revoke this voluntarily given consent to the processing of personal data at any time, free of charge, by sending an email to: The revocation of consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal. The withdrawal of consent also does not affect the processing of personal data that the controller processes on a legal basis other than consent (i.e., especially if the processing is necessary for the performance of a contract, legal obligation, or for other reasons stated in applicable legal regulations).

Access to Data

The controller and its authorized employees will have access to your personal data.

Transfer of Personal Data to Third Parties

Your personal data will be transferred to third parties or otherwise mediated only when necessary for the performance of a purchase agreement, based on legitimate interests, or if you have given prior consent:

  • to carriers for the purpose of delivering the products or services ordered by you, or for their collection in case of contract withdrawal
  • to third parties involved in the processing of accounting data. These persons include, in particular, tax and IT advisors. These persons will only have access for the necessary and essential period, if necessary for the provision of services and compliance with legal requirements.
  • to third parties, such as legal representatives or courts, for the purpose of debt collection
  • to public and administrative authorities on the basis of their legal right.

If third parties use the data within their legitimate interest, the controller is not responsible for such processing. These processing activities are governed by the principles of processing personal data of the relevant third parties.

Your Rights

With regard to your personal data, you have the following rights in particular:

  • the right to revoke your consent at any time;
  • the right to correct or supplement personal data;
  • the right to request restriction of processing;
  • the right to object to processing in certain cases to the supervisory authority, which is the Office for Personal Data Protection;
  • the right to data portability;
  • the right to access personal data;
  • the right to be informed about breaches of personal data security in certain cases;
  • the right to erasure of personal data (the right to be "forgotten") in certain cases; and
  • other rights stipulated in the Personal Data Protection Act and in the General Data Protection Regulation No. 2016/679 upon its effectiveness.


The following companies process personal data:

  • STUDIO ERIGO s.r.o., ID: 29197783, with its registered office at Londýnské náměstí 886/4, 639 00 Brno, registered in the Commercial Register kept by the Regional Court in Brno, File No. C 64989

Contact Information for the Processor

You can contact the processor by email: or in writing at the controller's registered office (Londýnské náměstí 886/4, 639 00 Brno). The processor is entitled to request proof of your identity to prevent unauthorized access to your personal data. For the purpose of improving the quality of services and keeping records of compliance with the processor's legal obligations, all communication between you and the processor is monitored.

Voluntariness of Providing Data

You provide your personal data to us completely voluntarily. You are under no obligation to provide them. If you do not provide them, you will not be subject to any penalties.